Myths and misconceptions on contraceptives and family planning are still one of the major hindrances of family planning uptake rate and acceptance worldwide.
For over 10 years up to date, Acodev has actively increased access to family planning services and information by women in the reproductive age 15-49 in the communities of Kasese, Mitooma, Rubirizi and Adjumani with funding from Bergstrom Foundation.
About 1,680,000 men and women have taken up contraceptives (family planning methods) as a result acodev’s consistent awareness.
The people in the communities have accessed Free family planning services(methods), HIV testing and counseling, and cervical cancer screening among others.
With joy ACODEV joins the world to celebrate World Contraception Day for a week which happens every 26th of September under the theme “Breaking myths in family planning”.
With the message “Stop rumors: Get the facts” Acodev in full blast is rolling out the massive market, household, and youth dialogues sensation campaigns where both men and women will have free access to family planning methods as well.
Project Co-ordinator FP project (Mrs Hadia Luwedde) explains to fellow staff about some of the family planning methods and how they are applied.