Journeys Plus incorporates HIV prevention into the existing Journeys gender-based violence programming for President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). Prevention of HIV infection in children, adolescent girls, and young women (AGYW) remains an important challenge and PEPFAR focuses on sustainable control of the HIV epidemic resulting in a greater impact on the epidemic and improved outcomes for people. Adolescent girls and Young are being targeted under DREAMS for Journeys in Luwero. Journeys Plus is a platform for learners to dialogue and reflect on activities that prevent HIV and GBV. When learners participate in these activities regularly they will develop their social assets and negotiation skills to be able to make the right choices to prevent HIV and GBV that is around them. This intervention is coordinated by the Ministry of Education and Sports (MoES) with support from USAID LARA- RTI. In partnership with RTI LARA, ACODEV Participated in the orientation of 26 Community facilitators to the journeys plus curriculum with 15 sessions for 633 AGYW in Luwero.

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