Action for Community Development (ACODEV) in partnership Voice through the Strengthening Youth Involvement in Democratization Process project (SYID) organized a series of impactful radio talk shows aimed at raising awareness about youth political participation in Fort Portal City. Hosted on the Voice of Toro (VOT) radio station, these talk shows provided a platform for Rights holders and duty bearers to engage in constructive dialogue on issues surrounding youth political participation and the different methods used to analyze it.

It is crucial to note that youth participation is not homogeneous. While some young people are enthusiastic and willing to participate, others may lack the necessary support or knowledge to do so effectively. One crucial factor in increasing youth awareness and actual participation is to ensure that decisions that affect them are made with their input and involvement and that they are empowered to organize social actions themselves. Through VOT, Rights holders were given a voice to express their opinions on democratization and civic engagement, contributing to a more inclusive and representative political landscape.

During one of the talk shows, Daniel, a 24-year-old student at Mpanga Senior Secondary School and a Rights holder from Nyabukara ward, listened attentively and participated in a call-in session. Through this experience, he discovered a deep passion for becoming a leader and specifically, a “youth councillor.” He contacted ACODEV and learned that his ward was looking for a representative for those facing Gender-Based Violence (GBV). As a direct victim of GBV due to his parents fighting, he decided to step up and take on the role, determined to make a difference.

In January of 2023, Daniel took the first step towards becoming an agent of change by becoming an active Rights holder. He participated in community debates and dialogues with duty bearers to raise awareness of important issues related to the lack of resources available to young people looking to engage in politics. He fearlessly spoke out against the increasingly monetized nature of politics, which makes it difficult for young people to participate without significant financial backing and a high profile. His passionate advocacy for change earned him invitations to participate in subsequent radio programs, where he discussed the vital roles of media in promoting minority participation in democratization processes. With ACODEV’s support and encouragement, Daniel quickly became a confident and aspiring leader, empowering him to speak with assurance to a gathering of young people and hold leaders accountable for their actions.

Thanks to ACODEV’s unwavering support, Daniel was able to interact with youth city leadership councils and discuss vital issues related to youth engagement, while also learning how to become a better leader in a safe and supportive environment. Despite being a direct victim of GBV, Daniel’s unshakable determination to run for office in the 2026 elections remains steadfast. Society’s attempts to discourage him by suggesting he should first deal with his family problems before leading others have failed to dissuade him, and he continues to passionately pursue his political aspirations. Moreover, in addition to his studies, Daniel engages with community radio stations to discuss his manifesto and encourage youths, especially those from stigmatized diversity groups, to pursue their political dreams.

“Daniel has shown the beauty of empowering us as rights holders from Nyabukara and at the end of the day, we have seen that his power has not diminished in the process. I trust that he is going to be a great leader come 2026.” Timothy Ahebwa from Nyabukara Ward

“Daniel has seen the best in us as fellow students and he has pushed us to be better people. I believe that’s what good leadership is all about.” Assimwe Rebecca, Student at Mpanga Senior Secondary School.

Daniel is now confident and poised to make a positive impact in his community as a leader. He is currently contesting for the position of youth councilor for Kabarole district, with many sub-counties endorsing his candidacy. To demonstrate his commitment to his campaign, he has even printed T-shirts for his supporters, particularly those from Nyabukara. ACODEV’s encouragement and guidance have enabled Daniel to overcome numerous obstacles and pursue his dreams, and he is now well-positioned to achieve his goal of becoming a representative for youth in his community.

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