According to the World Bank collection of development indicators, sources showed that the Contraceptive prevalence rate of family planning method use (% of married women ages 15-49) in Uganda in 2018 was at 41.8 %. It was also observed that most low-income women took up family planning methods more compared to high-income earners because unintended pregnancies occurred increasingly and disproportionately in women with limited resources.

ACODEV with support from The Erik E.&Edith H. Bergstrom Foundation is currently implementing a 3-year family planning project in Rubirizi & Mitooma district using a Community-based Family planning approach where we are extending access of family planning services and information to women, men as well as adolescents from within their localities that is where they live, work and meet such as VSLAs, household, community and at outreaches as the core care entry points instead of visiting health centers.

Turyahumura Deusi an ACODEV VHT shared FP information with one of the VSLA groups in his village where he is a member at Nyamirima parish in Katerera T/C called Nyamirima Twetungure village saving group. Bwengye Silvester a member who was in attendance picked Interest in the message the VHT shared about the different family planning methods and requested a couple of counseling sessions at his home to further enable him and his wife to make a decision on which method to take up.

Mr. Bwengye Silvester and his family at their home.

Mr. Bwengye Together with his wife Masika decided to take up an IUD family planning method to control unwanted pregnancies after their 8th child who is currently one and a half years. Masika Jane is now a happily satisfied user of an IUD, a housewife, and a casual laborer with 8 children (4 girls and 4 boys) wife. Together through the savings Mr. Bwengye Silvester now owns a pork butcher in Katerera- Nyamirami in Rubirizi district where he also lives with his family. They have also managed to keep 5 of their children in school and remain hopeful the remaining 3 will go to school in due time.

Masika has since then freely talked about family planning to other mothers in her circles and has already referred Nanjura Agnes for implanon which she took up.

The chairperson saving Group also says that Mr. Silvester’s saving is stable and he never defaults. He is also focused to see that he saves enough for his children”.

The message “Using family planning makes planning easy for saving” is spreading through this mode of approach and has registered 2990 clients in both districts with a total of 73628 people who have been reaching out with both family planning information and service provision contributing to a total CYP of 126,289.2 against 148215 overall CYP projection for the three years for the past 18 months of the project implementation in both districts.

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